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Hello, peeps! So, as most of you already know, I have a new boy in my life. By boy, I mean man. He is quite a bit older than I am and I don't know, yet, how the age difference will play a role in the relationship. By relationship I mean that thing that is kind of just beginning but is so new that it can't possibly constitute as anything. I have always been one to rush new relationships and I am really trying to just take it easy and see where things lead. This confuses me because I don't know if these "things" are "leading" themselves too fast or it is me. I don't know. Frankly, I don't care either. Life is about adventure and excitement. Life is just as much about making mistakes as it is making amazing moves. It is all a gamble. You never know if a risky move will make or break your life. The chance that it could even effect you is part of the allure of taking risks.
I don't know about any of you, but I like to take chances. I take chances with the friends I choose, the jobs I take on, the adventures I go on and the things I buy into. So far I have written a very interesting and intriguing life story. I will continue to do so whether or not everything goes down in shambles or rises up to the height of greatness.
The height of arrogance is the potential depth of destruction. To be humble yet confident in one's self provides endless possibility to take reasonable risks with minimal damage. Relationships are the same way. Being arrogant enough to think that you are enough for one person's satisfaction is going to leave a potentially fatal door open. To take it easy and allow yourself to prove yourself to another person and vise versa is smart and noble.
I think taking things slow is smart. I also, however, like to take risks. Which path do I take? As far as logic is concerned, being safe could be better than being sorry. As far as artistic views of life are concerned, being safe doesn't necessarily guarantee lack of regret. Now I have to figure out what kind of a person I am. Am I one who relies solely upon logic and safety, leaving out any possibility for curves and adventure? Or am I one who wants to treat life as a book and make it the most interesting story ever told? I think.. ER... I know that I am the latter person. I am about to embark on a great adventure. I am taking you along on the whole way. Keep your fingers crossed and your seat belts fastened. It is going to be a roller coaster.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck :o)! A GRAND Adventure!! Can't wait to see where it takes you!!!!!!

Drew said...

Exactly ^_^ I like taking chances not always the same ways, usally I don't like to take chances when buying things least for now, to me love is love, age doesn't always have to affect things. five ten etc. Good luck with everything.

I've crossed lines of words and wire and both have cut me deep
I've been frozen out and I've been on fire and the tears are mine to weep
Now I can cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry
So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side

I take my chances, I pay my dollar and I place my bet
I take my chances, I take my chances every chance I get
I take my chances, I don't cling to remorse or regret
I take my chances, I take my chances every chance I get
I take my chances"