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Crazy Week.

This week has been, by any interpretation of the word, crazy. It all started on Monday. Just like any week. My buddy, Jeremy Hall called me and said he was going to be in town for a couple days. I went up to the strip and we hung out, went to dinner and had a good time. It was good to see him before he went clear across on the other side of the country.

So, I came home Tuesday and got a call from CVS Pharmacy. They wanted to call me in for an interview on Wednesday. So, I was really excited about that because then I would have proof of income and I could get my car loan!
So, Wednesday rolls around, I go to the interview. It went great. I got on the bus and headed to the gym. I spent a couple hours working out and came home. The bus line in Las Vegas is so slow. So, going to the gym takes a few hours out of my day. Anyway, I came home as soon as I walked in my room I got a text message from this guy.
I talked to this guy for about a week and he seemed nice enough, so we went on a date on Wednesday night. We went to Starbucks and got some coffee. He was really interesting.
Basically I have seen him everyday since then. We have gone out to dinner, lunch, the gym, and around town. He is so nice.
to be perfectly honest I felt bad about leading him on only to disappoint him by telling him "By the way... I am a porn kid." So, I didn't lead him on and told him right away. At first he told me he couldn't ever be with someone who did that. After a couple days and thinking that that was the final answer I was really broken up. I love my job and I don't think I want to give it up so early in the game. I told him last night that I was having this battle in my mind. We got it all cleared up and basically, he said that we aren't going to let a petty little thing like my career choice extinguish the possibility of making this work.
So, I don't know why I told all of you about this.I guess it is because I really have nobody else to talk to at the moment. The present situation is kind of complicated and tangled up. If I say one thing to a certain person, it will bring up a conversation that I really don't want to face right now. Maybe it won't be as bad as I am thinking it will be.
Anyway... that is why I have been absent from my blog for a few days. I hope you forgive me... until then, muah!


Drew said...

Hey Don't apologize Blair, think most of us can understand needed to talk sort out you thoughts about this guy job etc.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to forgive, You're a young guy searching for more in life. During your quest time may prohibit blogging for days or weeks. As long as you are enjoying the journey, and eventually write something about it, people will understand.
Take care & dream HARD!
PS: Hope this new guy in your life is as unique as you.

ChaseEvans said...

Blair you know you can always talk to me about anything day, night rain or shine you know I will always listen to what ever you need to talk about


DeWayne in SD said...

Don't ever feel YOU HAVE TO BLOG! That will kill your motivation, a blog is two way interaction but it must serve you first.

You need a BF BUT just make sure he is not controlling. You are amazingly independent for your age DONT let ANYONE take away your Independence You fought hard for it Blair YOU OWN IT!

Now if YOU decide you want to give up porn then no problem you stop when you have had enough ,if its no longer exciting. Having a BF should not be a problem (and it should not be for him) lots of people work in the Adult world (Porn,strippers etc) with no problems with spouses or BF's!

A man comfortable and SECURE in himself will not have a problem. I always worry about anyone who wants ME to Change! Anyhow sounds like he lightened up so good luck and uh don't wear your self out,remember to come up for Air & Food!;)

Anonymous said...

Blair, baby, you know that I wish you the best of luck. You deserve every ounce of happiness that this life can offer you so take it without a second thought. I can't wait to see you in October. If you are still with your new Mr. Man I can't wait to meet him too! MWAH!

Drew said...

And Hope you can make each other both really happy :)

Blair Mason said...

Aw... You guys are all a bunch of sweethearts, thank you.

organblower said...

Blair babes, ur gonna do what u want to do and nobody is going to tell you different. I respect you for making up your own mind. AND I cant believe how much you have built up in the past year. Hope you get a car, but keep taking the bloody bus if you have to. It shows!!

Marc said...

Be who you are, Blair. Its not worth trying to pretend to be someone you're not. If the guy can't deal with you, you're better off waiting for someone who can.