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Flawed Perfection...

What does it mean to be perfect? What is beauty? What is accaptable? What is beneficial to our social human existance? What is efficiency? It all depends on the task at hand. If you are modeling, your flaws; your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful. Beauty is hapiness and joy shining through pain. What do you want out of your social experience? Do you want attention? Maybe loud and obnoxious fits your concept of "perfection". If you like for people to think that you are meak,weak, poor then maybe wearing a black cloak and walking around with a grim face all the time fits your idea of perfection. Like beauty, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. If you have not noticed yet at this point in life, everyone is watching you. Onto another dimention of perfection: efficiency. People are what people are. We all have a strangths and weaknesses. You know the cliche, all brains and no beauty or vice versa. Well, for sake of example I will use that to make my point. Perfection is the peak of a person's efficiency. Let us take shapes and holes as a picture of this. Say there is a round hole and you are trying to fit a square peg in it. Now, if you were a child this square peg might seem to have a flaw, an imperfection, a misfit. Now, this is from a child's point of view. As an adult, we would automatically see the round hole, and know without a second thought that there was a round piece made just for that hole.(I know you pervs out there are reading this with a shit eating grin... but I am about to slap it off your face...) Now, take this idea and apply it to god. Yes, I am letting the cat out of the bag. Let us call this entity,some call god, the universe. Say this entity was looking down on all of us squares and thinking "Flaw.Imperfect.Not Good Enough.Bad.Wrong.Misfit"... remember what I said about the child mindset about pegs and holes? If the universe had any concept of imperfection it would be as if a child was running things. Now, a child's logic is underdeveloped and could never orgnize and coordinate the orbit of billions of stars and planets. The universal mind has a capacity farther from a child's logic than we could ever imagine. So, why is it fair to say that people are not perfect? Why do we need to strive for perfection? If our standards for perfection are based on perfection sake, it is,l quite literally, impossible. If we are to be perfect, or MOST EFFICIENT in all that we are and do, we need to strive to strengthen our strngths. We have no weaknesses. If we were to get rid of our "weaknesses" we would lose our shape; we would lose our form. We would never fulfill our true destiny. If you are a pentagon, sharpen your edges, don't try to sand them down. If you are a square, do not try and round off your corners. Sharpen your edges. There is no such thing as human weakness. To be flawed is to be beautiful. To be a misfit means that you are trying to fit into a place you were never meant to fit into. The bright side: there IS a place for you to fit, perfectly and with ease. I am not saying that our actions are always perfect. I am not saying that the not-so-benneficial choices we make are to be taken up and to be proud of; no. I am talking about the core of our souls. You know what I am talking about. That person who shines through the pain and misery that falls upon us sometimes. You know that person who you never lost touch with despite change, despite fear, despite despair. This person is your core, your inner child, your soul, you god-self, what ever you want to call it, it is perfect and has no flaw but perfect flaw fit for a specific place in this universe. You are perfect. Not despite your flaws, but because of them. In all actuality they are not "flaws" as much as they are corners on a peg, ridges on a key, different sized bars on a bar code. There. That is my rant. Stay tuned for my rave. ;-)

Amy Winehouse... maybe she does need Rehab?

Ok, Charlotte's a creepy old bitch isn't she? Good god. Amy should have never had to share a stage with her. Shouldn't she bee yodling somewhere behind a stained glass window, anyway? I don't blame Ms. Winehoues for chugging down a few to make this horendous experience a bit less unbarable. I love Amy Winehouse. In all her drunken array of wonderful, she can still put on a great show with class and dignity. Amy Winehouse, bottoms up to you!!!

Nevertheless, I think it is a strange and pun intended coincidence that Amy's first hit single happened to be "Rehab" and you come across a video like that one with the locknest monster herself,Charlotte Church. I think Amy puts her real life into her songs and music. Obviously the girl likes her some booze. I commend her for being honest. I adore her for not changing for anyone. She has always been true to herself and her passion. Amy Winhouse, there are alot of people who love you and adore you. Keep it going, girl.

Click on the big,red heart to view Amy Winehouse's Official Webpage...


Godess of the Week...

I have yet another weekly venture to keep up with. This will be much easier to keep up on than my favorite guys/girls of the week... Anyway. I love mythology of all sorts from african myths to greek/roman myths. So... in light of the movie I saw today, Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End, I have arrived at my first choice of my new venture. The greek character by the name of Calypso.
Calypso (mythology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Now he's left to pine on an island, wracked with grief" (Odyssey V): Calypso and Odysseus, by Arnold Böcklin, 1883In Greek mythology Calypso (Greek: 'Καλυψώ', 'I will conceal', also transliterated as Kalypsó or Kālypsō), was a naiad, daughter of Atlas who lived on the island of Malta. She delayed Odysseus on her island (Ogygia) for seven years. While he was there, post-Homeric sources add, she bore him a child named Nausinous. Athena asked Zeus to spare Odysseus of his torment on the island, as he wanted to go to his homeland. Zeus sent Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, to tell Calypso to release Odysseus. As Zeus was the Lord of the Gods, she was unable to refuse him, although she wished to. Odysseus eventually returned to his homeland of Ithaca, to be with his beloved wife Penelope who waited for him at home, even though Calypso had promised him immortality if he stayed. Some legends say Calypso died as a result of her grief.



So, life is a bitch sometimes. She is also a sweety pie sometimes. Tonight she was both. Life was a sweet-tart. I have been away from my friends for what seems like an eternity. I have only been away from them physically for about three months, but we started drifting apart long before then. I first met my great group of gay friends in spring of 2006. I was just coming out to everyone and becoming confortable with my sexuality. These people were more like family and supported me more than my own family. We did everything together. We would always get drunk and go to the club two and a half hours of a drive away. My friend, Eric helped me revamp my wardrobe and helped me clean up for the boys. My friend, Jeremy helped me with all the technological advances that my sheltered corn field life was deprived of. My friend, Nathan helped me pick up boys and taught me so much about what to do and not to do in relationships or during sex. These people saved me. These people brought me to the place I am now. If it were not for them, I would still be working at McDonald's, probably still living in my parents' house in dot-on-the-map, USA. To my point: I miss them. Today there were things that reminded me of all my friends. I was listening to techno music, I used some cocoa body scrub in the shower that I bought with my friend, and tons of other little things that triggered immense, intense, vivid nostelgia. It all hit me at once. It was so intense of a feeling that I found myself locked into a place in time. I could remember so many things, so many little memories: going to ge chinese food on a rainy day, watching project runway, smoking cigarettes while making hemp necklaces, partying at the appartment. These might not sound like much "fun", but it was all full of love and unity. I always knew what each one of my friends was doing at any given 10 minute incriments. They always knew what was going on with me. If something was wrong, my phone would ring off the hook. I couldn't go a day without them all knowing my business. I would usually hate anyone else doing this, but since it was people I loved more than the world, I welcomed it. There is no greater feeling in the world than for people to actually KNOW you and love you despite knowing you so well, with all of your inperfections and flaws. Anyway, I am going to sleep tonight drifting on the seas of yesterday... maybe I can revisit yesterday tonight. If I don't return, I could be happy with that.


Aw, How sweet..

I love it when sweet boys do sweet things... My ne buddy from myspace editted these pics for me, and I just wanted to share them with you all... it was so nice of him

[{Click on the pictures to view them full sized on my myspace page}]
Photo art by Joel CNO

Boys and Girls of the week...

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The Knife Videos...

I know you all appreciate my accute and somewhat bizzarre musical tastes... This band seriously pumps out some of the craziest music and video I have ever seen/heard in my life... I hope you enjoy them... if not, only as another "what the fuck" to add to your quota for the day...MUAHZ!!!


A Peak in my mind: Lyrics to a shower song..

You can take me down in a book
Take me down in a book
take me down in a book
Safely from the petals
safely from flower petals
safely from rose petals
Take me down in a book

You can take me up in a tree
Take me up in a tree
Take me high in a tree
Safely from the dogs
Safely from the dogs
Safely from the dogs
Take me up in a tree

You can take me there in a cab
In a cab, a smelly cab
Driven by an arab
driven by Ali
Safely from the crooks and thieves
Safely from the crooks and thieves
Take me over in a cab

You can take me there on a ship
Take me there on a big yellow ship
With big red sails and an angel mast
Safely from my past
Safely from my past
Safely from my past
Filled with dogs and cabs
Scattered with rose petals


Imogen Heap: Hide and Seek

This song has been played on my ipod 3,986 times... I have played the video 1,098 times... and I have sang this song 45,987 times in the shower and it still gives me chills when I hear it...

r-e-s-p-e-c-t... sock it to me sock it to me...

My Grama firtst intoduced me to the queen while watching this timeless classic. She told me ,"Boy, you know what they call her? The queen of soul. She is a queen."

It upsets me when people ask me "who is Aretha?" WHAT?!?! If you don't know who Aretha Franklin is then you are not American. Just kidding, that was harsh, but really. You have no excuse after today.

How did I get here?

I have been asked so many times by so many different people how I got into my current profession. I will tell you now that it wasn't whim decision. It was something that took alot of confusion and contemplation. It all started with the internet. I was contacted on a very
popular website and at first I did not want to do porn, but then
circumstances shifted, things fell through and I needed money. I was working two jobs at the time. I had just moved out of my parents house and into the neighboring city. Both my jobs really dicked me and took away all my hours without any warning. Funny they decided to do this the week rent was due. What does one do when he or she is between a rock and a hard place? I did not feel confortable asking my parents or anyone else for money. They had helped me out so much already and asking them for more help felt like being a vaulcher. So, I took matters into my own hands. I wanted everyone to know that I was not a child anymore and that I could make it on my own like I said I could. I had all of this anxiety when I was about to go to Las Vegas and shoot. I cried every night. Finally the day came when I would get on the plane and go. I felt at peace. I felt like I was doing what was best for me at the time. I went, did my shoot and went back home. I paid my rent and other bills. I bought some food for my empty cupboards. I felt proud of myself for what I had accomplished. Not only did I face my fears and insecurity, but I was taking care of myself. That is the greatest feeling in the world. I realized at that moment when I was taking care of my bills that it did not matter what anyone else thought about me. I was my own entity. I never thought A.) that I would ever get the opportunity to star in adult films nor B.) That I would take the opportunity if or when it ever came up. I was always the good boy growing up. I tried to stay level headed, and I still am. The only exception now is that I am a porn star now. I am still level headed. I still have goals. I still care about people. I think I care for people even more now that I have become more open and vulnerable. I feel more connected. Funny, I don't think it was 'porn' per say that did it. I think sex in general makes you more aware as a person of the people around you. I know there has to be some psychology behind that.. and I might be able to find it out and post it for all you curiosos out there.



This is the movie of the month... I went and saw Shrek 3 2nite with my friends. It had some familiar elements and some new funny ones. I loved it. It was so cute!!

I <3 Shrek!!! I <3 Donkey!!! I <3 the Gingerbreadman the best ;)

The Artist

I am an artist among other things. I love making unique art that is somewhat contraversial and sometimes dark. Here is some of my art... hope you like it!! If all goes well, these will be going into an online galery where you can buy a print poster of each piece... YAY!!!

Let me know if you like this..

I love this video. We Share Our Mother's Health by The Knife


The Hookah Lounge

Hookah lounge
[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
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The hookah lounge or shisha bar (in Britain and parts of Canada) is an establishment where patrons share shisha (flavored tobacco) from a communal hookah or nargile which is placed at each table.Some hookah lounges are business modeled as such from their inception. Others are cafés to which the element of hookah smoking was added later. Hookah lounges of all sorts have become popular in parts of Europe and North America in the last decade.

Hookah lounges are mostly found in college towns and urban areas and are regarded by some as a novel and chic way to socialize and embrace multiculturalism. Some people of Middle Eastern or Indian extraction consider them a continuation of their own cultural traditions. Orthodox Muslims and other people who do not consume alcoholic beverages may prefer hookah lounges to taverns and bars where alcohol consumption is the primary focus.

Often, hookah lounges are owned and operated by people from the Muslim world or other regions where use of the hookah is a centuries-old tradition. Some offer Middle Eastern cuisine menu items. Almost all offer what most Westerners call Turkish coffee. Many hookah lounges incorporate such elements as Islamic decor and Arabic music or Indian music.

An elderly patron of an establishent in Turkey describes the advantages of the hookah lounge as follows:

"Smoking a hooka is nothing like smoking a cigarette...cigarettes are for nervous people, competitive people, people on the run...when you smoke a hooka, you have time to think. It teaches you patience and tolerance, and gives you an appreciation of good company."

A younger customer adds:

"The important thing is not what you put in the pipe, but who is with you while you're's a complete a cafe like this one, you find the good people, the old people, the interesting people. As long as there is a need for company and friendship, as long as people want to stop and think, there will be nargile cafes."

Typically a disposable mouthpiece is provided for each user for hygiene reasons. Hookah lounges do not typically have liquor licenses but instead derive the bulk of their revenue from sales of coffee, soft drinks and snack foods.

Some hookah lounges have well-equipped kitchens and are more akin to bistros. In the broadest sense, any restaurant or nightclub can be considered a hookah lounge if it offers patrons hookahs, shisha, and a comfortable place to smoke.

In the United States, establishments akin to hookah lounges first opened decades ago in the immigrant quarters of New York City and Los Angeles, California. Patrons were typically men of Middle Eastern descent. Now hookah lounges are widely associated with hipster culture.

They also exist in a variety of permutations including:

Chi-Cha Lounge, a trendy, Latin-themed restaurant in Washington, DC offers hookahs to its customers.
Zeeba Lounge, is a popular Persian-themed restaurant and lounge in Baltimore and provides hookah smoking to its patrons.
Mantra, an upscale French-Indian restaurant in Boston's Ladder District, also offers hookahs.
Chicago has several on Lawrence near its intersection with Milwaukee, also there is a nice lounge in Carol Stream, Illinois called Pita Paradise Hookah Lounge.
Zentra, a Chicago nightclub, offers hookahs amid techno music and belly dancers wearing body paint.
Divan, a restaurant and hookah lounge located in Atlanta, GA, offers an assortment of Mediterranean cuisine and hookahs with a variety of flavors. Divan also has great Turkish tea and Turkish coffee.
Many hookah lounges in the United States have chic or modernistic elements such as glass tables, plasma televisions and oxygen bars.
One purveyor of hookahs and shisha claims:

"It's at its largest demand ever in this country...I don't think it's going away anytime soon. There's so much more room for the product to expand. Only a small percentage of Americans know about it."

The Model

Here are some pictures from my last photo shoot at fire canyon, las vegas

Copyright 2007 1R Media, LLC

This was the coolest site I ever took pictures at. It was so sexy. There were two other boys with me and we were all in our underwear standing in the desert with the sun kissing our skin. It was beautiful. I loved it

The Meaning of Good Morning...

I have never woken up as happy and excited about life as I was this morning. I woke up at about 10:30am with a huge smile on me face. I tried to figure out why I felt so alive and free. Last night I went to sleep with gratitude for everything that I have and for every great thing that has been happening lately. I honestly believe that is what set me off straight this morning. I feel like I can breath and run. I feel like I can rise and soar. I feel like me again. I have not felt alive and myself for a very long time. Life has come now, but it is way overdue. I am still grateful for my life though. If you can't seem to get out of a rut of depression or anger or emptiness, look at the sun and be thankful that you can see. Touch your face and be grateful that you can feel it touching you back and that you have a face to touch. If you feel alone, call someone and go out and be thankful that maybe you might not have a world of friends, but maybe that you have a friend who would give you the world. Don't lose your sanity. Don't let anyone, I mean anyone, take your joy from you. That is the only thing that thieves and thugs cannot take from you.. don't let them have that too. It is the only thing you can keep. Have gratitude for what you have... have gratitude for the things that could be but are not. There is always something worse that could be. Finally, your hapiness is your responsibility. Your life is in your own hands. It is not anyone ele's job to make sure your right. Why would you want to give them the joy of living your life... that is our most precious gift... USE IT! Live your life. Run with your life. Talk about your life and listen back. Life is yours... take it and don't ever let go.

Inside My Shower...

I am obesessed with hygene and health. Here are some of the things that I use on a daily basis. ENJOY!!!

I found this soap and I think is is the coolest soap in the world. It exfoliates your skin and leaves you feeling 'minty' fresh.
I found that, contrary to popular belief, moisturizing your skin prevents breakouts. Especially if you have oily skin. This moisturizer is good for the day because it really light for being out in the Vegas sun.It is also SPF15, which means that if you use it everyday, you won't look 50 when you are 23. I protects your skin from the harmful UV rays and lets in the vitamin C and the good ultrviolet light from natural sunlight. I need this in Las Vegas. That bitch gets pretty spicy in the summer.
I am all about organic products. This is the closest shampoo I could find to purely organic without it being a fruit basket. It smells good and strips your hair of impurites as well as adding moisture and nurishment. Perfect.
I always have trouble finding a cleanser for my face that is organic and not full of detergants and chemicals. This is a grea cleanser for summer. I used a lotion cleanser for winter because my face was dried out alot, but during the summer I need something that will clean my face without alot of shine or gunk left over on my face. Gel cleansers for summer. Lotion cleansers for winter. That is what I do.

So! That is what is in my shower. You can buy most all of this shit at Ulta. Have fun in the shower... it could quite possibly be the only opportunity to wash your ass while singing with bubbles in your mouth... NAKED

Fun 2nite...

Today I got up super ass early for some odd reason. My body told me it was time to wake up at 6:30 am. I was glad, I like waking up early. So, I lazed around, cleaned my room and around noon I decided to go grocery shopping. The grocery store is right down the road and it was nice out today, so I decided to ride my bike. All was grand until I walked out of the store with more than I could carry on my bike. I managed it, though. I came home all hot and sweaty and ate some lunch real fast. I went to my room and finished unpacking and cleaning. Around 6-ish, my friend, Tyler came and got me and we went to Red.

We had a bowl of vanilla. It was very weak in flavor, but nice. Then, we had a refill of strawberry lemonade. That was really really good. We had a good time. I needed to relax after today.

It was nice to just hang out with Tyler. He is so fun. After that, we went to The Mirage to get some food. We ate and talked about random shit and left. That was my day. How was yours?


Ever do your Kegels? Watch this...

wmode="transparent"> data="|3|6|0&rating=1.46509&ratedby=401&canrate=yes&VID=1206&file="false">

My friend Nick sent this to me... I thought it was too damn funny to let you all miss it... ENJOY!!!

Independance Day

As most of you have already learned, I have been released from a 5 year contract from the first porn company I worked for. Also, I moved out of my ex-manager's house and I am now on my own. I am grateful for the concept, but the execution did not help me and quite honestly has damaged a part of my life. Now that all of that is over and I am independant, you will be seeing alot more of 'me' and alot less of the concept person known as 'blair mason'. I am blair mason, but now I can be who I really want to be. Now I can make my own decisions and make my own goals and actually follow them without anything in my way except myself.

There have been a few things I have learned along this rocky road. One of which is that hapiness is more than security. Joy does not come from having a place to sleep at night. Contentment is more than having food in your stomach. All those components are nothing more than surviving. Nothing more. Nothing less. Survival is key to life obviously but who wants to only survive and not have a full life? I needed more, so I jumped off the train heading towards destruction and I find myself now in a green valley of opportunity. These things I have learned I wish I would have known then.

I have learned these things and I want to share them with you. To upcoming stars---
1. Always read a contract with a lawyer. Never get into something based on someone's word. Always read each and every detail. On that note, don't sign a contract unless it will benefit you more than freelancing.
2.Never live with the person you work closely with. Especially if that person does not know you very well. You don't know someone unil you are around them in a living siutation. They could be a completely different person when you live with them.
3.There is always someone who pays better. There are always going to be better opportunities to get known. Don't settle for anyone. If you want to make a ton of money in this business as an actor, go with more than one company. You don't have to go with a ton, just two ro three that pay good.
4. lastly, you are the prize. Do not let anyone belittle you or tell you that you won't make it without them. This is a tactic used by people who are desperate and don't want to share you with anyone.

To new producers---
This is coming from a star's point of view. What I am about to say is what we are all thinking but are sometimes too afraid to say because we look up to you and we depend on you to make us whatever we are to become.

1.Make your models happy at all cost, especialy if you believe they can make you money. They are your money makers. Do not make them feel ugly or dirty or unappreciated.
2. Pay is going to be low for actors when you first start out. That is fine, but don't trick them into thinking that what you're paying them is good if it's not. If you tell them in the beginning what they are getting into and that the pay will not be amazing, but ok, they will respect you more and they will be happy to work for you from time to time. I grew up in a not so prosperous situation and when someone told me I could make $500 for a week, I thought it sounded great. When they told me I could be making 'the real money' after a couple months, I thought that I should stick with them. I soon found out it was a tool to catch me like a stupid fish. Don't sugarcoat anything, tell the truth. If you have hot models, it is a good insentive to work, but don't lie about the pay being good. Try and set them up with other companies also. If all the studios helped each other out, you all could make a ton of money.
3. Don't have a model sign a contract without a lawyer present. This is not only unprofessional, but quite vindictive and sly. Let them read the contract for a few weeks. Do not tell them what the contract contains. Do not highlight the strong points verbally. Many people get into this industry while they are young and without much legal or business sense. 18 years olds have just come out of high school, they are still learning what the world is al about. Many are scared and nervous about money and paying bills on time. Do not take advantage of that. It is low and it will not get you any respect from the actor when he finds out he was tricked or misleaded.
4. Make hot porn. Take suggestions. Let the models pick who they would like to work with. Do not tell them you will cut their pay if they don't bottom for three days in a row and take a didlo in the ass on the fourth day and cum everyday. Would you have sex for hours on end for a week straight? Don't expect your models to be supermen. We get tired and our emotions are on edge during shooting.
5. Don't let models live with you unless they have nowhere else to go. This idea sounds amazingly fun at first, but it soon turns into a nightmare for both parties. Let them be independant. Don't cripple their ability to live.

I hope anyone who reads this doesn't think that I don't have any say on this subject. I hope you understand that this is all my own peronal perception of the industry. I hope any of this helps someone.. if not, I said my peace at least.

Blair's new place!!!

So! As I said before, I found a new place to live and it isn't all glmorous, but it is mine baby!!! I took some pics for you guys so you could see where I sleep

Here is my room and my bed... it is kind of bland right now... but its confie.. and I like it so far.


Jenna, I love you..

She has her head on straight. She knows what is going on. I look up to her so much because I believe her and I are on the same page philosophically.
There is a huge difference between a whore and a porn star. She said it right.


Everything Works Out in the Universe of Endless Possibilities.

Like I said before, I have been reading alot and learning alot and one thing that I have not so much learned as I have had re-established in my mind is this: when you work hard to get something, it comes to you. The universe is filled with nothing but possiblity. As much as we tend to think that the universe is mostly filled up with empty space, I look at it as possibilities. Take a look at it this way. Say you fell terribly sick one day and you didn't know why. What is your first reaction? Mine would be to think of the least fatal possility and try to figure out if I am right. Some may jump to fatal conclusions. Some may not even notice or care. Some may call all their friends and say their goodbyes. All of these possibilties of thought are at hand when you find something like this. Then, there are just as many, if not more possibilities to how to treat it or what it happens to be. Those initial thoughts are only that: initial. Life is full of possibilities. The Universe is nothing more than random thoughts pushed through into what we call "reality"... imagaine this: everything starts out as just an idea... a flutter of thought. If everything you see around you started out as a thought, is it safe to say that even our thoughts are part of this abstract "reality"? YES! The Universe is nothing more than possilities. If you can grasp that concept, anything you want is yours. Everything you dream can come true. Every person you want to meet, every place you want to go, everything you need and want is right here... in your mind..

Now that I have said that... I have been trying to find another place to live and other jobs and for a moment I didn't know how I was going to make it all happen. That is a sign that it was going to happen. When you desire something do not under ANY circumstances doubt its possibility. Do not think about HOW it will happen. That is the univers's job to figure out how. And that is the ONLY job of the universe. You have to figure out all the rest. Why, where, when, how much, how far, how high, for how long... these are all things we think about when we fantasize anyway... so our job is limited to this: fantasizing. How amazing does that sound? All your life you probably heard that you have to work hard for money, that nothing comes easy, that everything is big and scary and impossible. I grew up listening to that same bullshit too. But, when I realized that life being hard was not necessarily a BAD thing as long as I was working hard doing what I loved, it all became clear to me. These people who told me this were people who were working too damn hard and not doing what they loved. They worked all the time and never left and explored the world. Another concept I learned along this way... this world is ours... we live here, this is our home. It is not very big if you look at it from space. Why not take all you can from it? We only live but a breath on this earth... and it was given to us as a gift... what good is a gift if we never open it? This world is our big playground. Everyone in this world is our playmates. This is how I think and feel and so far, it has brought me a world of joy and adventure... money is to be used and not stashed away for the emergency that never happens. Listen to this: for every breath you exhale, you are losing moments of your life. How is THAT for an emergency? Don't waist this precious gift of life. Don't waste our world that is also a gift. don't waste time hindering your devine right to fantasize and create and love. Do all of this, and you will never be the same again.

My favorite girls and guys of the moment...

Here are two inspirations in my life at this moment. There are a ton more, but Unfortunately, I don't have enough time or space here.. But, every week I will post more inspirational people in my life. But here is the starting line up

Beth Ditto and Kate Moss...

Both of these woman are truly inspirations. Beth Ditto is the lead singer of the UK Band, The Gossip. She has such a powerful voice and image. She reminds me of my best friend in high school, not caring what anyone thought about her weight or her style. She was beaufil, just like Beth. I have been listening to The Gossip for a week straight. It is amazing.

My favorite model of all time would have to be Kate Moss. This woman was discovered in an aiport of all places. Her career is filled with contraversy and excitement. She is also one who shows no pains to her critics. She is famous because she emits beauty everywhere she goes. She is simply amazing.

OK, now for the boys of the week... I usually do not look up to men too much, but when one comes along as beautiful and as inteligent as this one, I can't help myself. Benjamin Bradley is my hero right now. I have been looking up to him and his boyfriend, Ethan Reynolds for a few weeks. It all started when I saw Ben at the gymn. I was shocked that he was working out at the same gymn as me. Or that I was working out at the same gymn as he was. LOL.. either way, it stunned me. I tracked him down and we started talking online. He is so smart and so cool. He is everything that I hope to be one day. I know it is kind of... cheesy to say the least... but oh well.. Ben, if you read this... MUAH!!! lol.