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Opportune chance to use what I have learned...

If you don't know by now... I have 5 great loves...
1. Technology/communications
2. Books/knowledge
3. Working out/sports/physique
4. Juice/water/fluids
5. Music/Arts

The one I want to touch on in this post is #2
I have been studying a complimentary and melodic combination of Kabbalah, Positive Thinking, Buddhism and The Law of Attraction.

The books that I have been studying from are The power of Kabbalah by Yehuda Berg. And The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The main thing that I am learning to do is to create a positive energy and to create my own reality. Another is about that all too familiar and often time misconstrued and ill-represented word: Karma and the art of proactivity.

While on set, I worked with this very nice kid and we had what I thought to be an amzing scene... Apparantly when he got home he didn't have nice things to say about me and said things that I, at first, took offense to. I stopped, realizing I would REACT to this, and became PROACTIVE in this situation. I sent out a message stating that even though he may not have anything nice to say or think about me, I still loved him as a person. And honestly, I do. It hurts me very much when people I care for on a simplistic basic human level to not think or feel the same towards me. I actually took a second and thought about this. If he had these feelings, they might have just been jealousy. I admit, I may have put out an overly confident vibe... the character I was portaying was overly confident... when the camera stopped and later that night, I was still the same old shy me. I decided to put what I have been learning into practice... Even if it doesn't get to benifit the other person in this... I can let it go.. I can move on.. I can say I put out love instead of hate... and honestly at the end of the day.. that is our job as human beings on this fragile earth.


Dr. Mark Taormino said...

Good message about deciding consciously not to react to negative stimuli. Conflict is indeed very draining emotionally; althought sometimes unavoidable, as evidenced by your "blood boiling week". Whenever you can choose the high road, and not react negatively, you certainly feel better about yourself. I loathe the saying that nice guys finish last. It's nothing but an urban myth, and actually completely the other way around; nice guys finish first, where it really counts in life. Seems you're a nice guy.

I read mostly non fiction books, mostly for knowledge and understanding (the teacher in me). However, I do like this one author you may want to check out; Paulo Coelho. His most famous book is The Alchemist. I only share this book with people that I feel have the depth to get the message, you've made the cut! The book is an easy read, almost too simplistic, but that's part of the beauty of it. Ironically, this is also one of Madonna's fav's (i know you're a fan of hers). The book is easy to find in bookstores; I highly recommend it. Let me know if you read it and what you think. I think you'll really treasure it.

I also like your list of 5 things you love. I concur with that list. I am constantly amazed and sometimes bewildered at the growth of technology as a communication tool. Especially blogs, personal web pages, chat, collaboration sites, it's just mind boggling. I would have never communicated with you if not these technological innovations. Really neat stuff, and still very much in its infancy. I am about to begin writing a book about the informal communication tools available through the internet. The opportunites for self expression are increasing exponentially.

Getting late, will write more later.............g'nite.

Blair Mason said...

thank you for always being so clever and understanding with your words. I deleted two of my posts because, like you said, I need to re-evaluate what this space is to be. I entitled it "The Diary of Blair" for a reason. I want people to know what is going on in my life. I want to bring humor, knowlwedge, reflection, random thoughts, and things I enjoy and want to share. Pretty much, this is and will always be my life in HTML. I will surely try and find that book. I believe in filling your library with things that will advance you in your evolutionary human experience.. AKA Life... lol.. I think you are the most understanding person of me and what I have to say.. Thank you... I am glad we can keep this alive.

Dr. Mark Taormino said...

Glad to be your friend, and hopefully can I help in some small way that will make a difference in your life. I was saddened yesterday to see you were so upset and overcome with emotion; I hope today will be better for you.

You talked previously about this phase of your life coming to a close. What's ahead for you in the near term, and what are you leaving behind? Transitions can be a beast, and very scary, especially if you feel like you're going it alone. In the end, we really do have to do it ourselves, but it's important to have people in our corner rooting; whether its friends or family. Without some kind of safety net, the fear of changed can be paralyzing. Just reach out to your support group, whoever they are, to help give you the courage to move ahead.

Dr. Mark Taormino said...

Someone came into my office today, and shared this with me, which really gave me a chuckle. It was a quote that puts things in just a little different perspective. Maybe, just maybe, we make a lot of our own stress, and it's just not worth it.

"Stress is nothing more than socially accepted mental illness"
----Quote from Dr. Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson was a very powerful motivational speaker who wrote many popular books. He died suddenly this past december. His most famous book was Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (it's all small stuff).

Somehow, the entire world is suddenty suffering from stress. Is this just a new phenomenon? Nope. How about a cave man being chased in the open by a wild Hippo? Shit, now that is stressful. Don't know about you, but I never got chased down the strip by a Hippo, well almost, but that's another story.

We arguably (but don't argue with me) make a lot of our own stress these days becuase of expectations, image, desire for instant gratification, not to mention selfishness, fear, greed, etc.

Have at it..........