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How did I get here?

I have been asked so many times by so many different people how I got into my current profession. I will tell you now that it wasn't whim decision. It was something that took alot of confusion and contemplation. It all started with the internet. I was contacted on a very
popular website and at first I did not want to do porn, but then
circumstances shifted, things fell through and I needed money. I was working two jobs at the time. I had just moved out of my parents house and into the neighboring city. Both my jobs really dicked me and took away all my hours without any warning. Funny they decided to do this the week rent was due. What does one do when he or she is between a rock and a hard place? I did not feel confortable asking my parents or anyone else for money. They had helped me out so much already and asking them for more help felt like being a vaulcher. So, I took matters into my own hands. I wanted everyone to know that I was not a child anymore and that I could make it on my own like I said I could. I had all of this anxiety when I was about to go to Las Vegas and shoot. I cried every night. Finally the day came when I would get on the plane and go. I felt at peace. I felt like I was doing what was best for me at the time. I went, did my shoot and went back home. I paid my rent and other bills. I bought some food for my empty cupboards. I felt proud of myself for what I had accomplished. Not only did I face my fears and insecurity, but I was taking care of myself. That is the greatest feeling in the world. I realized at that moment when I was taking care of my bills that it did not matter what anyone else thought about me. I was my own entity. I never thought A.) that I would ever get the opportunity to star in adult films nor B.) That I would take the opportunity if or when it ever came up. I was always the good boy growing up. I tried to stay level headed, and I still am. The only exception now is that I am a porn star now. I am still level headed. I still have goals. I still care about people. I think I care for people even more now that I have become more open and vulnerable. I feel more connected. Funny, I don't think it was 'porn' per say that did it. I think sex in general makes you more aware as a person of the people around you. I know there has to be some psychology behind that.. and I might be able to find it out and post it for all you curiosos out there.

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