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The End... The Beginning

So, I am done shooting. Thank God. I am now trying to relocate my mind. On the shoot, I broke my own number one rule: don't get attached to the models! I don't know why or how it happened, but I got really close with this model on this shoot. Now, the model left and I am here in this house, packing shit up, listening to some somber music... Natalie Merchant actually... bringing back some memories, getting rid of recent ones, healing from some, throwing some in the trash, and packing up the rest in my red suitcase. It is that time. Time to start a new beginning, a new era, a new chapter. I love change because it is exciting. I hate change because it it feels like undeserved liberation sometimes. I hate change because it changes everything. I love change because it changes everything. I love change because it brings new things. I hate it because it takes away old things. The experience of human existance is going to bring a life of heartache, liberation, regret, love and most of all, more than anything else, change. When things change so drastically, it makes me a different person. I learn a few things along the way, unlearn alot of things, and strengthen some. I am ready in my heart to make this move. I am not ready in the areas some people might say are more important than heart... but, we create our own reality. If I am ready in heart, everything else must follow. As is in heaven, so on earth. Let's bring heaven a place on earth, I say to myself.

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