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Prima donna... is it a bad thing to be?

So! I am supposed to be shooting a scene today. It is at a location with a pool. Sometimes there are people out there, sometimes not. The scene is supposed to be shot around the pool area. I wanted to make sure that we had privacy. It is not an unreasonable request. But, producers like to work with stupid, naive actors who will do anything they tell them to. I know how important a good scene is, and I will do everything I can to make my scenes the hottest and most creative they can be. I ask for things to be a certain way. Not unreasonable things. Just, little things. One of those is privacy. Privacy allows me to explore my sexuality without inhibitions. I do not want peepers getting off on a free show that I put on. That to me is very degrading. I am not cheap. I am not to be cheapened. Call me a prima donna, but if it means that I can be confortable enough to make things happen.. so be the fucking thing.

pri·ma donna (prē'mə, prĭm'ə)
The leading woman soloist in an opera company.
A temperamental, conceited person.

My definition...

A person who knows they are the prize and makes sure that they get what they want in order to kick out the most bitchin' work or creative masterpiece they possibly can.


Dr. Mark Taormino said...

yes, you are just a teeny weeny bit naive Troy, but we learn all learn as we go; so now's your time to learn. Producers are business owners; the money men of the industry. The industry runs on money, and exploitation is part of the business model. what you're trying to fight is like fighting gravity. They are shooting a scene at a pool (I assume BM in LV?), that they probably have paid no location fee; free to them. The downside, it's public, not private, but they shoot close ups, so no worry to them. If not you, then likely other actors would do it for the money; they don't have to give a shit; supply and demand.

You're not interpreting Prima Donna in the correct context, you are looking at it in the negative. The original definition is not negative, but the star. Being conceited, narcissistic or demanding is not inherent.

The only way to raise yourself is to not do it at all. That's something you'll have to wrestle with in your own time and space. For now, you're like the old hollywood shop girl. You either honor the contract as is, or they'll drum you out of the business. That might not be such a bad thing either.

Keep your Head up (no pun intended), and think it through. Give yourself time, it might not come to you just overnight. You'll get there.

Blair Mason said...

Well... I appreciate your view on the subject. I really do not view myself as anything special. And that is where I need to change my thinking. Out thoughts create our reality. If I don't look out for myself, nobody will. I am not looking for people to worship me. I am not even looking for every people to be under my thumb. I am just looking out for myself. I have come to the point in my life where I realiazed that if I don't repesct myself, nobody will... I have to take care of myself... and I believe in myself even if nobody else will... I am becoming my own prima donna... I will not go back to being the naive little boy I once was... no matter what you or anyone else thinks.

Dr. Mark Taormino said...

I hear you Troy, and loudly applaud your strength and courage to stand up for yourself. You hit the nail right on the head that nobody will respect you unless you respect yourself first, and stand on your own principles. You are absolutely correct that in life, you need to draw boundaries, and if you're not forthright in what you will and will not do, then others will decide for you. Actions do speak louder than words, and you're a thoughtful young man, hence I just wanted to give you a loving push, not to make you upset or doubt your potential. I have been impressed with your thoughtfulness and desires, and want to encourage you to pursue your ambitions, but on the flip side to realize that not everything and everyone is necessarily focused on the collective. You've mentioned other ambitions such as continuing your eduction, returing to Michigan to pursue that goal, and hope that you will continue to pursue that worthy goal. You're a very sensitive and sweet boy, full of potential and talent! I think in many ways you are special, and should concentrate more on those qualities that make you so. I'm talking of your inner qualities.

Lastly, lifes journey is wisdom, at any given point in time, we don't know what we don't know. Naive is a little harsgm and not an static condition. Being naive about something is dynamic; we're all caught in that realm throughout our lives. The only time we stop learning, is when we close our eyes for good. Enjoy the ride, and pay attention as you go. I think you're doing that exceedingly well. I love your attitude, spirit and honesty.

So, did you do the shoot on your terms today?

Blair Mason said...

Thank you Mark... your words are very touching... thank you for being harsh with me... sometimes I need it... I need it to re-establish what I believe and why. So, on that Mark, thanks!

You are a really sweet guy.;)

Dr. Mark Taormino said...

Geez, didn't know I came off as such a heavy. I'm sending you a virtual hug instead. But if you step out of line again, the keyboard in mightier than the sword...;-)

I am however going to be harsh with you one more time, since you have so passionately derided one of my favorite LV pastimes. I happen to really like the 99 cent store, so there's that. LOL....