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Depressed? Hung Over? Mad? I have a solution...

Get off your ass and mow the grass! And I don't mean to smoke it, either. It is a scientific fact that exercise or any other active activity boosts endorphins in the brain. What endorphins do is they act as our bodies' own natural morphine. They bring pleasure. It is funny, now that I think about it, this is the reason why I laugh when fall and scrape my knees, or any kind of physical pain really. We can get addicted to emotions very easily. All emotions are consist of are chemicals. They are actually called neurotransmitters. The reason they are called that is because they transmit signals to your nervous system. Anyway, endorphins could be just as easily addicting as cigarettes or coffee. If you are doing something healthy that brings a rush of these chemicals to your body, I say go for it, lavish your addictive self. This is why people say things like, "I am a sex addict" or "I can't stop going to the gym" and "I am such a giggle box, all day I laugh and enjoy myself". I'm not saying that you should be laughing while having sex, or having sex at the gym (though I would give you props for filling out one of my fantasies). I am also not saying that you shouldn't. That's not the point, the point is this: physical exercise, whether it be working on your abs while watching Austin Powers, or banging the Saturday night trick, or even pumping iron, you are creating for yourself an escape to a happy place. The great thing about this place, is that the more you visit it, the less distance you have to travel back to reality, until one day, the happy place becomes reality. This is how I got over being depressed, how I got off cigarettes, how I stopped drinking. Exercise, people. Especially at those times when everything is crashing down around you. Those are the times when you need to be taking care of yourself. It will help you to refocus and to train your energy towards finding a solution instead of wallowing in woe. So, get on the treadmill or go see a funny movie. Get the endorphins flowing!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, I miss you. You need to give me a call so I have a way to talk to you other than reading your blog and myspace messaging back and forth!... oh btw my nephew has that toy you have a picture of... lol

luv you boy!