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HIV is not a game... listen the *#$@ up

I recently had a conversation with a very good friend of mine who was thinking about working for a company that I know uses HIV+ models and who I know for sure does not test their models. This upsets me. He told me that I have to face the truth about this industry and that studios do not test their models. That is bullshit. If you are blatantly hiring models who they know are HIV+ and pair them with other models who are negative because, well, California law states that to require tests from models is an act of discrimination, then you are a push over and a murderer. What people are saying is that the law of a state is more important than the life of their models. Yet, they break the law all the time by filming without a license in certain locations. If the Law is supreme, then follow all of it, not just the parts that suite you. I don't really care about the filming license part. It is hard to always abide by that one. But testing your models for HIV? Come now people, surely if you are so freely breaking the law for your own benefit, could you not do so for the benefit(and I use this word, wishing there was a stronger one to use in place of 'Life' which I will be using a lot in this entree) of your models. It does you no good for your reputation or your quest for riches if your money-makers die. Besides from a business standpoint, let us talk about ethics. I know in this industry, the ethics pool runs pretty shallow and sparse, but on a grander scale of general humanity it is out right murder what some studios are doing. I have a rule of my own that I go by. I will not under any circumstance, for any amount of money, publicity, or exposure work with a model who I do not know of his HIV status. I get tested every 60 days regardless if I have a job or not. It is stomach churning that producers will not respect my right to know about what risk I am putting myself at. It is even more stomach churning to know that models out there know they are HIV+ and care more about getting their pay than the life of their scene partner. I am livid right now and could go on and on about different points about how this whole thing is unethical and criminal and harrowing. I have only a couple more points that I feel need to be addressed.

To the models: nobody is holding a fucking gun to your head telling you that if you don't work you will die. There is always McDonald's or Wal-Mart that is hiring. I know that producers can lie. I know that they can be deceitful about their testing policy and whether or not one exists for them. But, when a company blatantly and out right tells you "No, we do not test our models for HIV" there is no reason to work for them. I know that I am stepping on a lot of big fat toes in the industry, and I hope you are listening. Your life is far more valuable than any amount of collateral a studio gives you. That is money, fame, and recognition. If you get diagnosed with HIV is that studio going to pay for you medical bills? If you die, which isn't such a far cry for HIV+ people, is that studio going to pay for a funeral? I don't think so.

To the studios: You are dwindling down the population of our youth and old alike when you specifically and deliberately refuse or choose not to test the models that you work with. I know that tests can be faulty. But, have you ever heard of AIM? They have this brilliant technology called rapid testing. What this means is that they can test blood work for HIV in a matter of 10 minutes. It ages the blood weeks ahead so that if the blood contains antibodies for AIDS they can know right away. The reason why this is so brilliant is because usually these antibodies don't show up, naturally until weeks after exposure. There is no guessing whether someone happens to be positive or not. I know that a lot of producers like to hide behind the discrimination law that states it is illegal in the state of California to require tests from a performer. Have any of you ever heard of the amended BILL NUMBER: AB 2798 Section 25800? It states that not only can any adult entertainment company be allowed to ask for test results but that must require testing from their models prior to shooting them, by law. (by shooting, I mean filming them... for those who don't know industry terms... just for you, baby). I do not know for sure if this bill has been passed into law yet, but I think we need to get it passed.

I do not know when people started caring more about being sued than spreading HIV. Well, I do know why. Where there is a place for evil to fall, it will inevitably... Fall. These tests cost money. Getting sued costs money. Money, as we all know is what makes the porn... I mean, World go around. Producers like the make as much profit as they possibly can. That is just good business. But, when good business collides with ethics, then maybe it is time to reevaluate our strategies, hey piggies? I am not out to offend people. I am not even concerned with what people will think of me. I am more concerned with my safety and the safety of other models in this corrupted industry.

I am not completely angled out on the latter topic. If this law is not, god forbid, passed yet in the state of California, then why isn't anyone talking about it? We rally up behind our rainbow flags once a year and march around like there's no tomorrow for the civil rights of the LGBT community and yet we are lazed enough to sit back and just accept laws that forbid the allowance of a producer to look after the safety of his or her models? Now, does this make any bit of sense to anyone out there? If it does than please let us change this. We need to start fighting against ignorant government officials who couldn't care less about the safety of its citizens.

I have said a lot today. I hope it sinks in. I hope someone along the way will read this and say something about it. This is a heavy topic that I feel needs to be on the tongues of people in the industry. Just because it is heavy does not mean you cannot talk about it. The more you talk about heavy topics, the stronger the tongue gets and the more we talk, the greater chance for a change, or at least a deep and vast awareness.

Last point I want to make. There are people dying in Africa and around the globe because of this AIDS epidemic. They have done nothing to bring this upon themselves more often than not and we in the industry are going on as if nothing is going on. With great power come great responsibility. You at the top of the food chain: be responsible. You actors and models: do not insult humanity by acting foolish and adding to the problem facing our human existence on this earth. If we keep up like this, we are going to wipe ourselves out, off of this planet forever. Get tested. If you are HIV+, don't murder. Tell people that you are positive and get support. Don't take others down with you. Life is far too precious.

project red

Bill number: AB 2798

Adult Industry Medical

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World Vision

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Maybe some day in the future I will share with you my experiences. You are one of the only high profile models who is speaking out so far that I know about and willing to do something, not just talk. I'd like to hear more of your ideas.