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Rethinking my views.

So, It has been a little while since talking about my stance on testing in the industry. The reason being is that I am having one reality check after another. I feel like I need to be honest here, in my diary as it is, about how I feel and what I am thinking regardless if I have to explain myself later. Now is the time when I have to explain myself. I have said time and time again that I will only work for studios who test their models. I want to clear this up right now before some of you call me a hypocrite. I recently, as I said, shot a movie with Channel 1 Releasing. They do not require test results from their models and this made me nervous and reluctant at first about working with them. I talked with Chi Chi Larue and she said something to me that made me stop and think about my stand. She told me that I have to concider everyone I work with to be positive. Using a condom is the safest way to ensure my safety. HIV tests, as I have come to find out, are not 100% accurate in detecting the virus if it is dormant or contracted recently. By recently I am talking about a six month period. This is to say that you cannot trust a test result. Having sex with a condom eliminates some worry and angst. Yes, condoms break. Yes, condoms can be faulty. But, they are the first and most important safety measure one can take working in the adult industry. The thing I need to do as a responsible adult actor is to make sure that I get tested on my own in a scheduled manner. I personally get tested every 60 days regardless if I know I have an upoming job or not. That is what I need to do to take responsible measures towards ensuring the safest possible work environment for my fellow co-actors as well as a healthy life for myself.

I will say this right here and now. I do not believe in being political. I do not believe that keeping everyone in the dark about your knowledge, shortcomings, progress and whatever other basic human characteristic you tend to project to the world. I am honest and forthright. I have learned new things and changed my personal views about a very serious issue. This does not make me a hypocrite. This makes me a student of life. If you cannot learn and be taught, then frankly, you are useless to society and to yourself. I am learning new things each and every waking moment of my life. This is my diary; my space to share what I have learned or unlearned. This is more than a blog. This is a place where you can know who I am. I want to reach out to you and pull you into my intricate world. We are all connected, so I have nothing to hide here. Welcome to my Diary.

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