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So. One thing I love about traveling, seeing new places, meeting new people, and discovering the world is the finding new art. I was recently introduced to this amazing band, Fischerspooner. I don't like the words strange, bizzarre, wierd, or scary when describing art. But, if anyone knows me, they know that I constantly make exceptions to my own rules if I feel it would make life easier or evolve me further. So, here is one of those times. I will call Fischerspooner bizzarre. I am careful to say they are strange. I dive deep and say blatently and joyfully that they are edgy, stylish, and blissfully abstract. What they do is they take an emotion and turn it into color, dance, costume, and style. I must say that, in my opinion their music lacks where their videos thrive. Nonetheless, they are superbly entertaining and equally bland defying. I think what turns me on most about Fischerspooner is the fact that their lead singer is hot. I am a sucker for hot boys and beautiful women. I think we all are. Why else would we all have an infatuation with Ms. Paris Hilton or Ashton Kutcher? Anyway... I never leave you in the dark about what I am really talking about... so, here they are: Fischerspooner!

I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have!!!


Anonymous said...

Quite an experience watching those four quirky videos. You were so right labeling them bizarre.

Drew said...

Yea a bit Bizarre.

For me though I don't like Paris Hiltons Music.

Few Jrock (Japanese Rock)videos, might shock you, they can get away more things in their vids.

<3 Dir en Grey