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Blast from the Past

I love music from the 90's. I love mostly the folk-pop music of the 90's. I was listening to my ipod today and found some great stuff from the days of yesteryear.
Here are some of them...

Natalie Merchant has got to be one of my favorite singers from the 90's. She is simple yet profound. I love this song because I could sing it to so may different people in my life. I am a super bitch sometimes and there are some who have stuck by me no matter what kind of hell I put them through. This song reminds me of that.

Another amazing simple song. Shawn Colvin reminds me of what I could imagine Natalie from The Dixie Chicks would sound like if she went solo.

Why can't people seem to get this music scene back on track? I remember hearing this song by Paul Cole and getting very emotional. It is just very sweet sounding. Another cool song from her, Where Have All The Cowboys Gone is worthy of showing. here it is.

God, does that bring back so many memories.

Who doesn't love Jewel? If she had just stuck to her roots she could still be bringing us the great folk-pop that we, if we admit, really miss these days. Sad.

So,anyway. That is what I have for you today. Sorry it is so bland!! I assure you I will be posting more exciting things soon.


Drew said...

I love Natalie Merchant too and the song has some meaning to me, I liked her songs also when she was with the 10,000 Maniacs, the is one of my favs and because the night, the big parade.

Anonymous said...

Love all the music selections!

Anonymous said...

Great selection from a guy with great taste.

Take care & dream HARD!

Anonymous said...


The problem with the music industry today is that they price gouged the consumers for too many years, the albums artists put out only had about 3 good songs and people got tired of paying, plus the execs now cater to idiotic 12 year olds with money (i.e. Hannah Montana, High School Musical) and no talent singers who can make them fast money.