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Halloween Costumes!

Halloween is my favorite time of year. I don't particularly love candy all that much, but it is the dressing up that gets me all worked up. It is the time of year when you can literally be anything you want to be. I have been racking my Brain trying to find a costume.I think I found the perfect website to helping me find a wicked cool costume. Last year I was Medusa. Now, this year since I have a hot body to show off I might go with something more sexy and boyish. But if I ever decided to go as a girl again I would definitely wear this...

This is the cutest costume I have ever seen in my life. It is innovative and fresh and my favorite: colorful. But, I do need a boy costume. I was looking through this site, and found the perfect costume.

Wouldn't that look funny with me walking around in Los Angeles on Halloween night in a giant alien costume? Haha. I think that is exactly what I am going to do. It will be nothing less than amazing.

If you are still looking for a Halloween costume, go to Costume Cauldron Dot Com and pick one out!

1 comment:

Drew said...

Lol, freak ppl out there, You should post a picture from last years Halloween.

It's great to hear, the the photographer and assiant, was so great, least from my appearances they can help to calm you down or just piss you off.