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In Deep: An Update.

Ok, friends and foes alike. This is the point in time in which I disclose my life and what is going on. I rarely do this, but I think I have a few things to talk about that may give some insight and 'spice' into this stagnant blog.
First things first: plans... conniving, scheming plans! Just kidding. My plans for starting my website are as follows: get pictures taken, give them to my web designer, get the site up and going before the summer is over. Hopefully next week this rock will start rolling and stop collecting moss.
Second:work. Tomorrow I have an interview for a real job at Walgreen's. I am not getting this job for money, though it will help to have a little extra cash in my pocket. The reason I am getting this job is because to be quite honest, I am bored. I need some human interaction. Also, I need to get a car and saving up just seems like a never ending road. I can get a car loan if I have proof of income. People who approve loans don't get the concept of freelance. So, I have to get a regular day job to pacify the little cunts in the loan department.
I think that is pretty much life right now. The parts that I think are interesting and impersonal enough to throw in Loves yous!!!

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