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Ecstacy: Dangerous or Enlightening?

I want to start off today with an apology for the lack of amusement in here. I promise, it is about to get exciting. Just wait and be patient!!

As you well know, I love watching documentaries. Las night I watched Ecstasy Rising. I had always wondered what exactly ecstasy was and its effects on the human mind. I had always wondered where and how it came to be.
I learned that ecstasy was the synthetic drug called methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It was first created by accident by German chemists working for the pharmaceutical company, Merck. Since they could find no usefulness for the chemical, they just left it alone.
A man by the name of Alexander Shulgin recovered the formula in a dusty old book and synthesized it after quitting his job at Dow Chemical to commit himself solely to the study of this new drug he called "window". He thought it would be very useful in psychotherapy. He introduced it to hundreds of therapists and at the time, this drug was not illegal. It soon leaked out of the psychiatric circles of the time and into the streets.
It spread throughout Dallas, Texas like wildfire. It didn't gain the worldwide popularity until the British rave parties spread over to the United States. With the spread of raves from coast to coast, ecstasy was unstoppable.
Some scientists thought that this had to be stopped. They formed a propaganda based on faulty experiments and lies. In turn, people learned not to trust their warnings. The majority of the scientific community has yet to find any harm in using reasonable amounts of ecstasy. That does not, however, lend one to believe that it is ok to abuse ecstasy carelessly. Scientists have no idea what the long term side effects of this drug are. when it comes to the point where people realize that there long term side effects to using MDMA, will anyone believe it? After all, the government does nothing but lie. That is very dangerous. When the boy cries wolf again and again and there is no wolf, who will believe when he cries wolf from inside the wolves mouth? Nobody!

What do you think? I have never taken this drug. I don't plan on it. But I know a lot of my friends who do. I personally believe that ecstasy should be legalized and only used in psychotherapy to reduce the risk of it and also use the benefits of it. Of course, I am not a scientist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure about Ecstasy, never taken it either. But I just discovered your blog, and it's great! Keep it up, sexy!