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I am such a ditz!!! / Limitless ATM

So, I woke up this morning and got ready for my trip to LA. I got all packed up all I had to do was run down to the bank and take out the rest of my rent money. I got down there and everything was fine. I took out my cash, got my receipt and then my phone rang. It was my friend. He called to tell me he was waiting outside my house. I was flustered because I felt bad that he would have to wait for me to ride my happy ass back to the house. I got so wired up with anxiety that I forgot the last step in the ATM process... TO HIT THE RETURN CARD BUTTON!!!! Wow. I am dumb. So, I didn't even realize this until I was about to buy a book in the bookstore. I was just about to get the book and I looked in my wallet and my card was gone! I was like, "SHIT! SHIT FUCKING SHIT!!!"... the sales clerk, a gentle old man said, in a kind voice yet hinting-towards-condescending-sarcasm voice, "Did you forget something?"... "I'm such an idiot! YES! I left my card in the ATM!"..."I guess you're not getting the book?"..."No. Sorry".

These are the moments in my life when I am grateful the universe has stirred up the mediocre, and just a tad bit disappointed that it wasn't in a more joyful manner. I surprise myself everyday. Sometimes for the good. Sometimes for the bad. Sometimes for just the pure comedy that I need to kick start my day.

I have a piping question that just came to me. What would you do if you had an ATM card with no limit on it? What if when you used this card it drew out from the supply of the entire universe? What would you do? Would you change your life? Would you change the world? Would you change the galaxy? Would you change the universe? I want people to think about this. I want you to think about this. Money is only an imaginary concept. There is no limit to how much money we can have or make. We are all one on this earth. Why then is it a necessity to need money to save ourselves? We need money to feed ourselves while others starve. There is no limit to food. We need money to come up with cures for disease. There is no limit to money and yet we are limiting ourselves by requiring it to help ourselves. It makes no bit of sense to me at all. Why can't human kind find a reasonable solution to our problems without limiting ourselves in the process? It is kind of upsetting to think about. And, it is also exciting to think about. If people could completely wrap their minds around this concept, our world would surely be a more perfect place to live. Animals do not limit their kingdom by creating pyramids of power. They know no reason to limit their food supply, limit their solutions for evolution, or limit themselves in their living situations. Why are we, the most advanced beings the world has ever seen, not advanced enough to simplify life for ourselves? We purposely make life difficult for ourselves and everyone under, above, and around us. We only live for a short time. Everyone knows this and yet we make life a pandemonium of hurt and despair, convincing babies and children that happiness is deserved, bought, or given to you. We have been conditioned to think that joy, security, happiness and wellbeing is something we have to work for. Happiness is not a privilege, people. It is a basic human right. Well being has no place in the realm of opportunity or possibility based on your own meager merit. It is something we are born to have and achieve at all cost. That cost should be low and easy to attain. Society has tainted that also, telling us that well being is only for those who work their ass off and sacrifice a little more than they are willing to sacrifice. This entire concept is absolute ludicrous. I don't know where living became something one had to pay for. I don't know why this fault in human history took place. I guess greed got the best of someone one day and he passed on his way of thinking down the ages until now, where we are, limiting ourselves for the sake of capitalism. We are here to create. We are little gods. What on earth are we creating here? A place to harvest pain and guilt and pressure and despair along with greed, lust, anxiety and morbid death. I wish that someone would here my words and think. If you just but think about these concepts I am pointing out to you, the revolution will begin. It is my hope.

Sorry if that was too deep, but sometimes I can't help but share my deep thoughts and feelings with you all. I know you all appreciate it and that is why I will continue to do so. Thank you. Now, go and THINK!!

1 comment:

Drew said...

At times I wish we didn't need to use money, I don't think anyone needs to make it worse for people around us. Think we all about work our asses off. I'm glad my boss is nice, doesn't make it bad.

Luckily was never bought up that happiness is bought, I'm most happily when with friends family,

Take care.