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Love is Gonna Save us.

So... there is no video for this song apparantly. I never put my ipod on shuffle, but whe I do I discover amazing songs, like this one. I love this song so much. I have had it on repeat since yesterday afternoon at the gym.

Since I haven't blogged in a couple of days, here is what is going on. I have plans to go to San Diego for pride with some of my friends. That should be amazing being the fact that I haven't gone to any pride events this year yet. I am super stoked. I have all my stuff packed and ready to go. That is what is new on the outside.

What is new on the inside? Well, I am done with my detox, which was't a very intense one. I just wanted a little boost to get rid of my cold. I have been takig charcoal and multivitamin suppliments for two days. I finished my charcoal regimine today, but I will still stay on the vitamin juices. They taste like the Jolly Green Giant's dirty asshole, but it is good for me and I feel good.

Something else I must confess. Last night I had a dream that my mother calledme and ask me about my career ventures. She said "Your grandpa found your dirty movies under your bed up here. Tell me the dirty. Don't tell me the nasty, but tell me how a shy little guy like you can do this on a regular basis?". I didn't get a chace to tell her before I woke up. Something told me that it was time to call her, so I obeyed this little voice and called. Voice mail. She called me back this afternoon. She never mentioned anything about my "dirty movies". It was a relief. I feel so at ease though about the whole issue, especially because of the dream I had.

Summer is halfway over and I am getting a car next month. That is really exciting for me. Though I love the fact that I get to see my friends alot, I am sure they are ready for me to start driving over to see them! PLus, having a car means that I will be able to drive to L.A. whenever I want to. I can drive over to Cali and start doing things that I have been wanting to do my whole life. I am excited. I would like to get either the yellow Jeep or the blue Toyota, but I am limiting myself to a used car for now, being the fact that I am not loaded yet. I am still watering my money tree and it is growing everyday, but it will be a while until I can be stable enough to afford a car like that. Soon, though!

So, that is my life in a nutshell of the moment. I have two jobs next month with two very big studios. I am really excited about that. Once I find out dates, I will let you know what you can expect. I have a movie coming out in September some time. I will definately let you know when the release date for that one is. It should be really good. I can't wait to see it.

Until then, C'est La Vie.

Luv, B


Drew said...

Good Luck on finding the truck you want :)

I'll be looking out for the info.

Blair Mason said...

Thanks!, Dude