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To Haters: I love you, too.

So, my video went up on Randy Blue Tuesday. I know you are probably getting sick of hearing about this. But I just have a couple things to say.

The video and pictures spread around to different blogs and people left their comments on what they thought about it on these blogs. Some of the comments made me blush with happiness while others almost made me cry. I am not going to reiterate the nasty comments, because that is just adding fuel to the fire. I got through with reading these comments and I had a stir of emotions. Mostly, I felt bad. But, then like a wave of clarity, I began to have an epitome; a flood of realization. If people are taking enough time and effort to talk smack, then I must have done something right. People who are eccentric, beautiful, different, intriguing, successful, and give people something to talk about usually do receive just that: people talking. I am quite flattered. I didn't expect to see such a stir from people. Now, I know it wasn't some huge epic wave of interest, but it isn't a bad start I say.

With that said, I continue to my next topic. Haters: you are putting me in a better position for fame and success, so keep talking shit. Keep the clever(and I do mean clever. "Clay Aiken's little sister","Brent Corrigan's 12 year old brother","The little girl from Halloween 4"{that was probably my favorite one},” too chubby to be a twink","a rabbit","tweezed eyebrows and make-up... barf!!"{for the record: I do not pluck my eyebrows, if you would prefer me to look like Burt or Ernie, say so and I will glob some Rogaine on my forehead}.) comments coming. To the people who stated their appreciation: thanks so much. I am here to entertain you. If I pleased someone, then I accomplished my goal. And, from the surge of fan mail I received so far, I would say I did well over accomplish my goal.

Thank you all for the love and support. Thank you all for the shit talk, it makes me laugh, and that is a rare feet to achieve. I have a sick, and I do mean SICK sense of humor.

Love always, B


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on your Randy Blue debut.

In the words of Mariah Carey "There are haters and we give them positivity."

It's amazing what jealousy will bring out in people but you just keep on keepin' on.

To the top!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing in your new video! Thanks to Randy Blue, now I know you!

Drew said...

Ugh ppl, I will be joining soon finally got my card :d

Some of the flamers can make me laugh,


Blair Mason said...

Marc, Drew, and Mr. Anonymous: Thanks for the support. You made my day ;)

DL said...

I am not lying, you are seriously the hottest guy I've ever seen on Randy Blue. Those things people were saying on QueerClick were way harsh. I think you're AMAZINGLY GOOD-LOOKING.

Anonymous said...

u gave me an early b'day present hehe since ur vid came out the day b4 my 20th which was the best present ever.

ur cool looking and dont ever let peeps comments put u down, since u are a good looking guy

Anonymous said...

I can't even BEGIN to imagine what folsk would have to say negative about you. Not only are you beautiful on the outside (seriously, I think you're about perfect), but you also have a great head on your shoulders.

Let the haters keep on...they're just jealous.

Keep up the good work hottie! :-)
