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Just some updates...

I am finally figuring things out. For the last few days I have been stressed right the fuck out because I was juggling possibilities with definities and dependants. That is very hard to do. I knew relative dates for things but didn't know for sure about the other things all the while, waiting for dates so I could schedule other things. I guess my wishes are coming to pass. I said from the beginning of my new professional life with my new manager that I wanted to get to the point where I had to keep a schedule because of how busy I would be. Well, I am playing balancing acts. Though it may me stressful and all, I really find a hidden blessing in it. I could be scrounging for work. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. One can be overly optimistic, right? Of course I can.
So, tonight I refreshed my myspace page. I know, this is kind of silly to be talking about, but hey. I am really proud of how it looks and I think you will enjoy it also. Click here to see. Or go to You should add me if you haven't already. It is the only way to see my page as it is set to private.
Um.. I know this is a really boring blog post, but I had something amazing to post earlier. But... there is always a but... My horoscope said that today I would talk without thinking, that I would have the urge to say some very provocative things. It said that if I held off I would gain some very interesting insights. So... me being that starving-for-answers kind of new-agey that I am, I decided to try and learn from refraining my post. So far, I haven't learned a damned thing. If by noon tomorrow I haven't gained any "interesting insights" I will post what I originally wanted to. Otherwise, I will tell you what insight I gained. Either way, tomorrow's post will be much more exciting, I promise.
For those of you who stuck it out until this end of this bore-fest, check out my myspace( and stay tuned, because I am going to attempt to revamp the look of my blog yet again. I don't like things to stay the same for too long, I get bored. LOL... if this annoys you... tough titty said the kitty but the milk's still good. And so are the stale cheerios floating around in it. Think about that for a while, my li'l chillins!!!

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