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I have noticed somewhat of a lack of interest in this blog. I want to know your opinions and concerns. What do you want me to talk about? Do you have any questions for me? Would you like to see more or lessof aparticular thing? This is your chance to speak your mind. I really love all my readers and I want to keep you interested. Let me know exactly what would stir you spoon. Lol. Because spooning leads to forking. So I am told. Hehe. Post your comments, concerns, ideas, and anything elsein here.


Luv, B



Anonymous said...

Hey Blair, Im a 19 year old straight girl in the UK and I love reading everythigng you write in your blog!

Blair Mason said...

Wow. I have one international!! Just kidding. I am really excited that you read my blog. I love straight girls. And straight boys. and gay boys and gay girls and trannies. But I especially like gay boys and straight girls. Hehe. Do you have a blog I ca read? Or myspace? I want to get know you.

Anonymous said...

TEST TEST seeing if this works for me - have tried to post commetns before - but haven't worked. Loved what you have posted so far - bits of randomness are always good.


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, it may just happen. So many people asking so many questions, you'll be unable to answer them all. New people near you and work demands taking up more and more time till there is little time left for your blog or cyber mates. Then again, you most likely will be so much happier with that life. Dream HARD and keep wishing!

Anonymous said...

Blair: Don't be discouraged if you're not inundated with comments. I don't write a letter to the Editor every day. but I damn sure read the paper. Hang in there! You might run some more of your art and perhaps of few pics of yourself in, shall we say, interesting poses.

Drew said...

I read it about every day sometimes i don't check every day, but I think just cont what you have been doing. Dixie Chicks I always liked them,

A friend told me that one line in the not ready to make nice can be also used for gays too, or another group.

DeWayne in SD said...

I used to work on a newspaper and someone pointed out that if you have a thousand readers you may be lucky to have one write a letter!

I average 500 to 700 daily readers on my Blog and I will avg about 25 comments or about4 to 5%. You will get more responses when you ask your readers questions.

Spooning is my favorite I mean everyone likes a good “Fork” now and then but falling asleep spooning now Thats Heaven!

You asked what do we want to see. More kissing and passion in porn, why does it always have to jump into the Fuck! A little less formula and more sensuality would be nice! This is more for the producers not a criticism of you Blair!