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Leave her alone!!! More Britney hating news

I am so sick of people bashing celebrities and trying to pry into their lives. I recently read something on about miss Britney Spears that made me sort of angry. Basically, they took up some wasted space on the internet just to tell everyone that she was at a gas station and that she was wearing no bra and an ammo belt. Who the fuck cares? I know. Fat ugly bitches who want to feel better about their nasty selves by trashing people who thy know look, sound, and dress better than them.
Get over it, people. So, Britney is human. OH NO!!! Did I let out the big secret? Let's face it, we all want celebrity dirt once in a while. America loves scandal. People love it so much, even that they will go after fake scandal, created by retarded journalists who really are lazy in scouting out the real dirt about celebrities. I love to read about real dirt. This article is, sadly, fake dirt. It is like when you order something online and it gets to you and it is made out of cheap plastic instead of glass like they said it was. Sorry. I am reminiscing about the onch I orders online. Not that their jewelry isn't amazing and beautiful. It just wasn't what I expected. Just like people who read the tabloids. When we read the words,” EXCLUSIVE" and "BREAKING NEWS" we expect to find something with a little more poise and written with a little more canny style. Britney Spears stopping at a gas station to piss is not news. She has done it many a time. Remember the infamous photo of her walking out of a public restroom barefoot? Even that, in all its witty paparazzi glamour, was more astute than this terrible story. One story that actually has some meat to it is the story about Nicole being pregnant.
Not only is she pregnant, but she is going to trial tomorrow, July 11th for DUI charges. No judge is going to send a pregnant woman to jail. Smart move, Nicole. Why didn't Paris think of that? What will probably happen is this: Nicole will be sentenced and the day she is fit and able to go to jail, she will. But, while she is pregnant, I am sure the judge will delay her punishment.
That is a good story. That is a juicy one. The latter Britney "story" was kind of lame. What is it about people, specifically Americans, that make them feel the need to feed off of every little squirt of life that celebrities bust out with? So, people get pregnant. People go to grocery stores. People wear ugly clothing when they are on road trips. Give it a fucking break. I am happy and grateful to be living in such a colorful society, but for god sakes! I have met lots of celebrities and I will tell you this: they are no different than you or I. They breath the same air you do. They eat the same food you do and their shit still smells horrible. Not that I know from experience, but it is a fact. I think the only people who really think of celebrities as gods are those who have low self esteem and those people whose minds are closed off to thinking for themselves. Ergo, the media tells them that celebrities are untouchable beings from another planet, and people believe it! Wake up. This is life. We all breath, eat, shit and die. That is just reality. There is no such thing as celebreality and REAL reality. It is all the same.

Ok! that was my little venting time for the day. Hope it fed your appetites. Stay tuned for dessert!


Anonymous said...

It's sad that you place so much emphasis on beauty referring to people as "fat ugly bitches" just because they critique someone who sought out public attention and wanted fame?

C'mon let's be fair. People don't deserve to be hunted down by the paparazzi, but when you go out of your way to put yourself in my face and want me to buy your album, see your movies and all of that, then you don't deserve the same privacy rights.

That's just how it is!

Peace out.

Blair Mason said...

I thank you for your honesty but I think you are missing my point. What I was trying to say is this: the story was lame. It was lacking in creativity and, quite frankly, it was boring. The only people who care about stupid shit like that are probably just some overly obsessed fans who have nothing better to do with their time. That was my point.

Your comment about beauty: beauty comes from within. I know this first hand. There was once upon a time when I didn't think I was beautiful. Nobody else did either. It wasn't until I started appreciating myself and loving myself from within that people noticed and started thinking I was worth anything to look at. Beauty is not a distant dream. I think almost everyone is beautiful. I say almost because there are some ugly people in this world. Not by their appearance, but because they are hateful, obsessive, lacking as a person on a mind and spirit level. Maybe I shouldn't have written the phrase, "Fat, Ugly bitches". Just because you are fat does not mean I look down on you. I have lots of fat friends. And fat needs to stop being such a taboo word. It is a word to express a certain characterisitc of someone. Nothing wrong with it. Fat does not mean ugly. Ugly means ugly. What I meant was an ugly soul. People who obsess over stupid shit like this usually have ugly souls. They have no self esteem and they look at every celebrity like they are God. Thinking this way will tun you into a bitch for sure. If you look so far up to celebrities, then you have to look down on "regular folk". And I use the word YOU in the subjunctive. I should use the word ONE, but you is more personal and makes one think. Anyway, looking down on everyone around you can make you a bitch, thinking nobody is ever good enough or important enough for your time.

So, there. I hope that clarifies everything for you. I know I can be a bit too blunt sometimes... butt this is my blog. I will say what I feel and I will state my opinions without appolegy. The people who read this blog are here for my opinion. If you wanted one that suited your beliefs better, ake your own blog!!

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read and comment. It really means alot to me and look forward to whatever you have to say next. I always say I want personal evolution. And that begins with people resisting me and making me stronger. So, thanks!

Drew said...

Plus, I don't always dress up to go to a gas station or store, few times in the winter, I'll just have sweats on and flip flops. it's been said before, like you said, were opposed with these celebrities.

Deep down there just like us.

Blair Mason said...

Drew, I am glad YOU get what I was trying to say. Hopefully my little blurb above gave some more insight into what my point was.

Anonymous said...


This is 22:12 again and I understood perfectly what you were trying to same. I'm not ignorant or uneducated.

I appreciate your clarification. I come here to read what you have to say and I'm not here to blindly follow a porn star, but to see what a person in porn has to say.

I'm not hating. Life is too short to hate and I applaud you for whatever other activities you do outside of porn.

I'm not someone who only wants a one-side view of opinions. I simply took issue with your wording of the matter.

Is it silly that a celebrity is ridiculed for what they wear? Of course it is. But when you seek fame and fortune you must know that your every move will be scrutinized. Plain and simple.

Is that clear enough for you?

Blair Mason said...

Clear as crystal. I tend to converse in a topic-response-strictly-to-topic level. I, learning still about life and people, sometimes forget that something I say might spark another related idea that isn't necessarily a direct reponse or reflection on exactly what I said. Thank you for reminding me of how I am lacking in that area. I need to start seeing people as the complex beings that we truly are.