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Shut Up...

Do you all remember the huge controversy over a little, 3 second remark made by The Dixie Chicks in 2003 while on tour in Europe? If you don't, let me refresh your memory. Natalie, the lead singer, made a comment in London on stage, on the eve of the war in Iraq, about the president. She said, “We are on the same side as you guys, we don't want this war... We are ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas." That small remark shot a sonic boom through the media in the U.K. and eventually snowballed its way over here to the States. The media covered it in such a bias and trite way. Radio stations banned their music, fans had mass burnings of their CDs, their sponsors pulled out of the tour. It was a horrible and unnecessary mess. The reason I am bringing this up is because I recently watched a documentary about life for the girls after the comment was made in London.
Click here to watch
I am not a huge fan of country music, but I have always loved The Dixie Chicks. They are genuine and make amazing music. Not to mention, their political beliefs run pretty close with my own. It makes me sad that their momentum as America's favorite girl band had to come to a grinding halt because they were not afraid to speak genuinely and without apology. Hmm... sounds like someone you know, right? You better fucking say right! Just kidding. ;)
So, anyway, there are some interviews that were not shown in the documentary, Shut Up and Sing, or happened after the it was finished. So I decided to scout them out and present them to you, because I know how much you appreciate your favorites blogger's hard work and dedication to your enlightenment and education. Jus kidding again. ;) Here they are...

Now look at where we are today as a nation. Bush haters are more prevalent today in America than fast food chains and drugged up celebrities, of whom a lot hate the president also. It is really ridiculous of how ignorant people, particularly Americans, are today. I have been thinking a lot about religion and politics and how the two are pretty much inseparable in the United States. In fact, this is a global plague. Do you remember Mitt Romney? He is a Mormon and he is running for presidency. Now, if reading that made you feel any emotion whatsoever, than maybe you shouldn't read on. For those of you who couldn't care less about what the president's religious beliefs are and see no problem with a Mormon being president, I feel the same way. Why the fuss?
Religion poisons everything. It breeds hate and confusion. Just like a dictatorship. Hitler used the same tactics to recruit his army as religion does. "Just have faith" they say. Well, this seems very irrational, being the fact that every religion on the face of the earth has said the same thing. It makes no sense why I should blindly follow someone just because they think I should.
The same logic would be applied in politics. You can be a half-wit ad believe everything Mr. President tells you. You can blindly follow him and support him just because he is the president. You can give up any intellect or self responsibility and defend a man who couldn't care less about you. You can be a sheep, or there is an alternative. Educate yourself and think. If you don't think you can think for yourself or that "political mumbo jumbo" is too much for your mushy brain to comprehend, well maybe I am not surprised by your lack of individuality and proneness to jump on the bandwagon. The right-wing bandwagon is getting old. The wood is corrupt and its nuts and bolts have been replaced with lies and reliance on the public's naivety. I never believed in jumping on bandwagons. I tried once, I didn't fit on. There is never enough room for me.
When are we going to stop hindering out human evolution? When are we all going to wake up and see the world as it truly is? I hope it is one day very soon, because I am starting to get a headache from all of the primitivity.

1 comment:

Drew said...


I always liked the Dixie Chicks, I had no issue of what they said. I feel ashmed that religous guy used to live in the same state I live in, now he's dead. It seems you can say whatever you want unless it's against bush but it's okay to bash Clinton. I feel just about the same way about religion, I just basically believe in god and Jesus.