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America's Evolving Mind.

So, mark your calenders, people. I have two things to tell you that are happening on Tuesday. One, of course is my Randy Blue Video Debut. The other is Bravo Network is going to show highlights of the GAYVN hosting experience of Kathy Griffin!

Let me just say this: First of all, Kathy was fucking hilarious during the GAYVN show. I loved her all along, but that night she proved herself to be everything I expected and more. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the GAYVN awards show in February at the Castro Theatre in San Fransisco. It was an experience I am not soon to forget. Of course, nobody knew who I was and I didn't really know anyone there, either. It was just a peek into what I am to expect coming my way next year. Maybe they will hold the awards someplace cool like Las Vegas or New York City or maybe even San Diego. Anyway, it was a great time.

Let me talk about American society for a minute. We are, slowly but surely evolving into people who can actually think. I know, the evidence is overwhelmingly against that notion, but hear me out. In the eighties and nineties Madonna was persecuted for her take on sexuality. Her music video, "Justify My Love", was banned in the U.S. and mothers told their daighters that Madonna was the epitomy of sin.

Now, look at her. She has literally taken over the fucking globe with her inovative art and music. She opened the door for sexuality to be not only ok, but encouraged in the media. I think the only people who really have a problem with it are those who know nothing about it. They see someone beautiful having a good time and expressing their sexuality in an open and honest way and they get jealous, scared, or plain just don't know how to take it.

Look at America at the time when Madonna's video was banned and now look at where we are today. No more than 15 years later a major television network is broadcasting segments from a Gay porn awards show. Amazing. Simply amazing. The human mind is a powerful thing. It is powerful because it can grow and mold and become something different. America's mind is at potential right now, if we allow it to, to become the most powerful intilectual, artistic, creative power on the planet. We are slowly progressing forward. I am looking forward to the day when people are truly FREE in the "land of the free". Where people can create art and lifestyle freely and with great expression.

Yes, this summer is going to be the summer of change. Another thing I just thought about... Jeffree Star is going to have his own reality show, also. America is more advanced than I thought! The creators of "Wife, Mom, Bounty hunter" and "Torri and Dean: Inn Love" have taken Jeffree on as their new project. I can't wait. I have been a fan of his for a while now.

So, that is what I think people!!!

Make sure you flip on that fucking TV and turn it to Bravo Tuesday. Tune in at 10, 9 central.
PLUS!!!!! go to on tuesday and watch my video. It is sure to make your mouth water!


Drew said...

And Finally we have networks like logo, even some of the more "open" countries don't have a channel like logo, China has a internet show for gays and lesbians, unfort I won't be able to watch it on tuesday won't get home til 10:20, will try to dvr it, I liker her comedy, as far is monday, Mondona & others like her changed a few things for our society :)As far as Jeffree I do like a few of his songs, like his photography :)

lol wow went way to long >_>

Anonymous said...

I'm probably one of the only people who is not a big fan of Madonna's. Granted, I don't dislike her, because the fact is I don't know her, but I guess I never look to celebrities for true inspiration, one must look to themselves for that. Sure, she pushed the envelope, but artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe did it long before she did.

I also don't see a reason for our community to pander to mainstream American and the TV networks for acceptance or to show us who we are. But I am surely in the minority.

I'm all for expression but I think GAY people should give themselves more credit for being the real innovators of breaking down the walls and barriers about sexuality, not a celebrity entity.